Introduction to Relaxation
The meditative state is one in which there is a deep centering and focusing upon the core of one's being; there is a quieting of the mind, emotions, and body. The meditative state can be achieved through structured (as in a daily practice of a routine) or unstructured (for example, while being alone outdoors) activities. Brain wave frequency
Range name Frequency Amplitude Effect Delta 0.5Hz - 4Hz high (up to 200uV) Deep sleep Theta 4Hz - 8Hz low (5uV - 20uV) Drowsiness (also first stage of sleep) Alpha 8Hz - 14Hz high (up to 200uV) Relaxed but alert Beta 14Hz - 30Hz low (less than 10uV) Highly alert and focused - day to day normal range
Relaxation is a skill that can be perfected.
We're born knowing how to relax. Babies instinctively relax and sleep when their bodies and minds need a break. Over the years, we learn to control our urges to sleep or relax, since we must remain alert as we attend school, learn professions, go to work, or care for a family
Pierre's Relaxation Technique
Remote Viewing & Channeling
We learned to do remote viewing by working with silence. There must be no music, speech or noise. While relaxing, silence becomes an object like a stone or a block of wood, you can almost touch it. But how do you call the silence?
(1) Go to your quiet room, sit on the floor or in a chair where you feel most comfortable. Position yourself so that your back is straight and your head, neck and chest are in line. Have plenty of paper and pen at hand.
(2) Now comes the tricky part, the mind wandering, such a, "did I feed the cat or hate my boss." If you've completed the thought control exercise that should not be a problem.
(3) The next step is to find the silence. Let go of your thoughts. Let them flow by. Don't grab them, ponder them or lead you to fantasies. Close your eyes. Focus inwardly on a spot between your eyebrows. Breath normally and follow the rise and fall of your breathing.
(4) When you are fully relaxed, you will hear voices, just like switching channels on a radio or television set. Each bits of information is no longer than four sentences long and it could be anything from news to thoughts, wishes and feelings of other souls recorded in the Library of Life. With time you will progress to hearing souls, which are still among the living, and others who has never had a physical body. At this point you may interact with them and the method of communication and recording you use for such interaction depends entirely on your preference. Some prefers a computer while others swears by their CD recording device or even good old pen and paper. Whatever you choose, you've started on a journey that will revolutionised your life. Believe me things will never be the same again. So good luck with your quest and remember to reach out to others.